About Us

Welcome to Car Covers and Shelters,

Welcome to our business, Car Covers and Shelters, an Australian family-owned and operated business. We pride ourselves on our customer service and you should be confident in getting the best service possible. Car Covers and Shelter is exclusively an online retailer.

We have 30 years experience assisting buyers in choosing high-end investments. As we approach the end of our middle-age we decided to assist people in solving an important little problem. We are classic car enthusiasts and we love our little MGB. The problem we had when we bought 'the third car' was where to keep it?

This lead to an investigation of solar carports which in turn lead to the foundation of Car Covers and Shelter. We are a business offering the widest choice of car protection in Australia at the best prices!

About Us - Car Covers and Shelter

car covers and shelter car coverWhen we decided to open Car Covers and Shelter we wanted to showcase as many fantastic products as possible which can be used to protect your valuable cars. We were also early up-takers of solar power in our own home. We first had a solar hot water system and then solar panels.

Long story short, we developed. solarcarportsonline.




                                                                  It also just made sense to purchase a solar carport. We had seen them in Europe. With the advent of the electric car, we will all be driving soon, it just seemed like a good idea.

We were shocked to find that no-one in Australia was offering a solar carport for car covers and shelter car coverresidential/domestic use! We tried every solar company listed in Google, then we contacted manufacturers of solar frames. It is becoming quite common for companies to supply large commercial solar carports in Australia. You'll see them at places of work or even local shopping centres. None were available to the Australian residential market.

About Us - Importing Solar Carports?

Importing solar carports from Japan or China was investigated but was just too hard to get them in under our Australian Standards. Now we can offer Australia’s first Solar Carport Kit.

We decided to build a unique business through all sorts of products available to go over your car for its protection as well as offering Australia's first residential Soilar Carport Kit and here it is! If you only have an interest in Solar Panel Carports you might be better looking at our sister business solarcarportsonline ...... but read a little more first!

Solar Carports have their limits, they can't be changed much and they are relatively expensive. This is why we then ended up with Professional Choice Sheds - the first business in Australia to offer Solar Ready Carports and Sheds as well as Industrial buildings. This is a very economical way to have the solar carport of your choice at half the price of a 'proper' solar carport.

Any Questions?

f you have any questions regarding our unique range of garages, carports, awnings and shelters or our range of Custom made car covers, drop us an email or give us a call. We will always ensure you are aware of the wide range of choices you have at affordable prices. It's always expanding and its worth taking a look at our recently added budget range of carports and our own range of very affordable garages from cheap single garages to 3m high triple garages or the very best garages available in Australia from Professional Choice Sheds!

Please feel free to contact us anytime by email or phone as we are more than happy to assist in solving your car shelter problems and have a chat.

Hugh and Christine

Phone : 1300 851 038

email: info@carcoversandshelter.com.au

Now you can go shopping here


PS- If you are a dog lover, you might like to check out www.dogspeaking.com


Car Covers and Shelter is a trading name of Frame Enterprises Pty Ltd ABN 11 159 391 205