Meguiars Scratch X2.0
Meguiars Scratch X2.0 - Bonus buy for Car Cover buyers only
Available with Autotecnica Car Cover Purchases only!
The Meguiare range of car body care products is unmatched for quality, reliability and finish.

Meguiar's ScratchX 2.0
Liquid safely removes light scratches, blemishes, and swirls on all glossy paint finishes
It's exclusive micro-abrasive system removes fine blemishes while restoring clarity and providing a brilliant high gloss
It permanently removes defects rather than simply hiding them and is clear coat safe
It's safe and effective by hand or dual action polisher like Meguiar's MT300 Dual Action Polisher
It also restores a brilliant, clear finish.
Here is a typical Meguiars Scratch X2.0 Product review on 'Product Reviews" on Google
"Removes paint transfer with a bit of elbow grease
Great product and does what is advertised. I used it on my car which had a moderately sized paint transfer and within 30 minutes the defect was gone.
Keep in mind that it does take a bit of work to remove the minor scratches or paint transfer. For best results use a microfibre cloth and polish along the grain.
It doesn't remove deep scratches, especially if it's gone through the base coat (you can see the dark panel underneath)."